Bluehost vs Godaddy

HostHost NameMore InfoPricingSupport: 24/7 PhoneSupport: Live ChatSupport: Email/TicketUptimeServer Response TimeFree Domain or TransferDisk Space (GB)Unlimited BandwidthWebsites on 1 AccountData BackupsEmail AddressesFree MigrationWindows ServerscPanelMySQL DatabasesSubdomainsFTP accountsFree Website Builders1-Click Application InstallsAdvertising CreditsMoney Back Guarantee
BluehostVisit Site
Special Offers
$3.95100%320ms50GB15Paid Option OnlyYes, Enhanced cPanel2525UnlimitedNone30 Day
GodaddyVisit Site
Special Offers
$4.9999.89%784ms100GB1UnlimitedNoYes10 x 1 GB2550No45 Days for annual products
48 hours for monthly products


Support: 24/7 Phone: Tie
Support: Live Chat: Tie
Support: Email/Ticket:bluehost-logo
Server Response Time:bluehost-logo
Free Domain or Transfer: Tie
Disk Space (GB):godaddy-logo
Unlimited Bandwidth: Tie
Websites on 1 Account: Tie
Data Backups:bluehost-logo
Email Addresses:godaddy-logo
Free Migration: Tie

Linux Servers: Tie
Windows Servers:godaddy-logo
MySQL Databases:bluehost-logo
Subdomains: Tie
FTP accounts:bluehost-logo
Free Website Builders:bluehost-logo
1-Click Application Installs: Tie
Advertising Credits: Tie
Money Back Guarantee:bluehost-logo

Godaddy BBB: Accredited A+

Bluehost BBB: Not Accredited A+

Ties: 10

Godaddy wins: 3

Bluehost wins: 10


Click here to check for Bluehost’s latest Special Offers

Try Bluehostbluehost-logo

Many people usually want to see how Godaddy or Bluehost compare to Dreamhost and Hostgator so check out that comparison if you are interested.

If you’re looking to compare either of these to Wix or other website builders then look at this comparison chart.

You can be rest assured that no matter which host you decide to go with: both are great hosting companies. Godaddy was established in 1999 and Bluehost in 2003. They have stood the test of time and survived long enough to be doing something right.

Now you have already seen the comparison chart and you know Bluehost beats out Godaddy 3 to 1. But if any reason were the most important, it would be performance and support. Both provide great support. Godaddy not providing ticket support anymore would put off a few people. Sometimes it’s just easier to submit a ticket and go while you do other things. Instead of having to get on the phone or sit in a live chat and wait. Sometimes people can simply write out their issues clearer than they can speak them. Either way, both provide great support so you can’t go wrong with either one.

Uptime and Server Response Time are 2 big factors. You will find tons of complaints online for Godaddy slow servers or sites. Go ahead, do a search and you will find endless complaints! Neither of these companies are without downtime. Out of 17157 IP’s that Bluehost services. Only 7 of them were reported to have gone down during the Nov 29, 2015 – Dec 28, 2015. Godaddy’s was 10417 with 13 reported to have gone done. Each IP usually has about 20-40 sites hosted on it. You definitely want to go with the host that is going to keep you up at all times. That’s Bluehost, especially when it’s during the biggest shopping season of the year.

Bluehost also reports faster load times at a speed of 320ms. Compared to Godaddy chugging along at a speed of 784ms. 0.564 seconds may not seem like that big of a difference. But it is especially when it is part of Google’s ranking algorithm. Which decides where your site is ranked in the search results.

If you’re still not convinced? Check out how both of these hosting providers stack up against 9 other hosting providers. Just to mention a few of who they will be competing with is Hostgator and 1and1. See who stands out among the rest when they’re compared side by side. Who wins in speed and performance in a WordPress environment?

bluehost vs godaddy
‼️ Visit the Web Hosting Comparison Chart for the most recent pricing, coupons, uptime, and server response time reports.